Friday, March 21, 2014

Food Friday~ Carmelized Onion Galettes

One of my first culinary related epiphanies occurred when I picked up an issue of  FOOD & WINE magazine many years ago while traveling with my husband on missionary. 

I had already experienced a certain range of food culture but this was different. It was a moment that one remembers as if it were yesterday.

A spark was ignited inside that made the world of unusual & foreign taste not so huge, daunting, or unattainable, but a liberating sense of creativity that stood ready to happen right inside my very own kitchen.

Before this day, in a Laundromat, in a small town in the state of Missouri, I guess I thought only professionally trained chefs who owned five star establishments had the ability to introduce certain foods to the palette.

I browsed this 1994 issue, cover to cover, as I fell in love with, memorized, & recreated every recipe.

The galette has remained, some 16 years later, a family favorite. It will always hold a special place in my heart... 

Enjoyed by even the pickiest of eaters, I can always wow a crowd with this tender, flaky, blissfulness.

I hope that you enjoy the yum...

 1 1/2 c flour
 1/2 tsp salt
 1/2 tbsp. sugar
 1 stick butter
 about 1/2 c ice water

Caramelized Onion
 2-3 large onions, roughly chopped
 1 tbsp. chopped thyme
 salt & pepper to taste
Patience is key here when caramelizing the onions. This process will take about 30 minutes over med heat. Stir occasionally until onions are a beautiful golden brown. Add thyme, pepper, & salt to taste. Let cool to room temp. 

 feta crumbles (or fresh mozzarella slices)
 tomato slices

Chill dough for about 1 hour before rolling.


In large pot heat oil & brown onions until carmelization takes place, about 30 min.

The amount of onion will reduce greatly so if what you started with seems like a LOT. Don't worry.

Roll out dough into about 6 inch rounds.

Bring your filling to about 1 inch from edge.

Here I topped the onions with tomato slices & feta crumbles.

Fold over edge, place on baking sheet, brush with egg wash, & it's into the oven they go!

What's wonderful about these pastries is that they can be eaten piping hot or at room temp with no complaints.

Every bit of work & tears while chopping is worth the experience of caramelized magic here. Enjoy!

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